Sunday, January 30, 2011

Display of True Power

During Sunday School today, we discussed forgiveness. The Roman soldier who said, "Surely this is the Son of God," came into our discussion. One thing hit me when we were talking about it. Back in those days, Romans went to great lengths within the temples to mimic powers. They would use boulders and such to create earthquakes and thunder, they would use different smoke methods to make it appear the god was angry...all sorts of techniques were used to create the illusion of power. More than likely, the Roman soldier knew about these methods and knew that the "powers" of these gods were within their temples. He witnessed the earthquakes and powerful storms that came upon Christ's death and he knew these were not mimicked acts of nature. These earthquakes and storms were the real thing. They were not limited to the confines of a temple, they were out in the open with the world as a witness to them.

It's kind of cool to think about. It never crossed my mind that God, once again, decided to show His supreme power over those of the time (reminds me of Pharaoh and the plagues). :)

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