Today's thought is regret. Regret is something that plagues us all. We are constantly reminded of decisions we have made, or didn't make, and wished that we had done otherwise. I am often reminded about things that, in reality, are silly. Some are more serious things that I wish I could change, but hindsight is not wisdom.
We regret the decisions we make with our children. We regret past choices of things that seemed right at the time. We regret things we have said, or didn't say. We regret our actions when we are in a bad mood. Regret regret regret.
I say, life is not supposed to be lived in the past, plagued with regret. One thing that might actually make us feel better is to write a letter to the person(s) of which we have regrets about. More than likely, they do not remember the incident(s). Or, if they do, making things right with them may open lines to a better relationship. If the person has already passed, write them a letter about all the things you regret. It won't change the past, but it can help you cope with your decisions. There is nothing wrong with relieving some of the burden off of yourself.
I regret some of the things I have said in the past to my family members. At the times of regret, I often forget to take the time out to shoot them an email until I am reminded again. It seems to be something that often plagues me that, I feel, they may not even remember.
One thing that I have heard said, and this works for all believers in Christ, is brilliant when dealing with regret. When the moment of regret comes upon you, you take the time out to thank Christ for forgiving you for that incident. Whatever happened, He already took on the cross. Your sin has been dealt with. He took the burden so that you don't have to. Your regrets are nailed to the cross. We have no need to regret any longer. We are new people. So, when that regret sneaks up on you, shoot an email and thank Christ for taking that away from you!
Hey Daddy. Thank You for sending Christ to the cross so that my sins have already been paid for. Thank You for "hounding" me and not giving up on me when I, so often, gave up on myself. Thank You for my beautiful family and my wonderful wife. She is who I need, and You knew that. Thank You for her and for all that I have. Please help me to not live in regret any longer, but to be thankful for the price paid. I love you, Daddy. Amen.
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