I think it's quite obvious that daily thoughts aren't shared daily... ;)
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas With Children
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
AUtomated phone calls...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Shaped Candy
Let's go toward Easter. They sell giant Easter bunnies. What is it about eating a bunny? It's okay if it's made of chocolate. What if a little kid decides to eat "Fluffy." Guess what, kids. That's meat. It's not some chocolaty snack. (I would say "treat" but I don't want to rhyme)
Then we have chocolate eggs with cream inside made to look like an eggs interior. Imagine the horror on a child's face if they try to eat a real egg because of how good the chocolate one tasted. I would find it rather amusing, honestly.
How about "Peeps". They make them for every holiday now, not just Easter. So, you're eating little chicks, bunnies, snowmen, Santas, ghosts, jack-o-lanterns...you name it. And, it's okay. It's candy. We can eat candy that looks like stuff. Why is that?
There is still plenty of candy that doesn't have a shape of something to eat...so why is it that we have shaped candy? What is it about eating a shape of some creature that we find so appealing? Why is it we aren't appalled by it? If a child eats a real worm, he/she is in for a big surprise. They ain't tasty. Slimy, not gummy. I'm not a fan, myself.
But...we have them. Gummy bears, worms, insects, fruits...you name it. Quite odd, but okay. I just wonder who the first person was who decided that we should eat bears. And who it was that thought worms would be tasty. And...it's such a part of culture that we aren't even phased by the concept. What's next? :)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Caffeine...friend or foe?
So, I’m a major energy drink buff, but does that mean that caffeine is really helping? It seems to be an issue that scientists and studies vary upon. Some say that it needs to be used in moderation. But...what exactly is “moderation”? Some people are super-sensitive to caffeine, while other are not. So, moderation is different to each individual.
I have often seen myself cutting off caffeine completely (the headaches are horrible) and then going without for a while...before I get sucked back in. The longest I have been without caffeinated drinks was 4.5 years. I gave up drinking caffeine on January 1st of 2002 and didn’t drink caffeine again until May of 2006. (it seems like less than four, but you count the whole year of 2002. :) ) <- I had to redo the math because it didn’t seem right. :)
But, I am, once again, hooked on caffeine. Research has shown that caffeine is an actual better jump start to one’s day, however it can also make one get less sleep at night. If you only drink caffeine to start you in the morning, then the effects seem to be the best...but I tend to need jump-starts throughout the day. Although it doesn’t seem quite as effective. It could be because my alleged need for it at that time is from boredom, not being tired...easily confused if you ask me.
Those years of being without caffeine...I relied mostly on sugar to boost me from day to day. Luckily, I worked out so much that I didn’t get all pudgy. I worked out around 5-6 days a week...including cardio. I did alright in those days. The issue that I face with trying that again is this - so few beverages these days have sugar, rather than high fructose corn syrup (also supposedly is okay in moderation...). And I don’t drink that crap. Moderation for that is VERY little. But...that topic is for another day. :)
So...caffeine...friend or foe. I suppose it is both. It can either be an awesome helper that gets you going in the morning, or it can be an enemy that won’t allow you to sleep and drinks away all your cash-flow...the final decision is yours. :) GB!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
We regret the decisions we make with our children. We regret past choices of things that seemed right at the time. We regret things we have said, or didn't say. We regret our actions when we are in a bad mood. Regret regret regret.
I say, life is not supposed to be lived in the past, plagued with regret. One thing that might actually make us feel better is to write a letter to the person(s) of which we have regrets about. More than likely, they do not remember the incident(s). Or, if they do, making things right with them may open lines to a better relationship. If the person has already passed, write them a letter about all the things you regret. It won't change the past, but it can help you cope with your decisions. There is nothing wrong with relieving some of the burden off of yourself.
I regret some of the things I have said in the past to my family members. At the times of regret, I often forget to take the time out to shoot them an email until I am reminded again. It seems to be something that often plagues me that, I feel, they may not even remember.
One thing that I have heard said, and this works for all believers in Christ, is brilliant when dealing with regret. When the moment of regret comes upon you, you take the time out to thank Christ for forgiving you for that incident. Whatever happened, He already took on the cross. Your sin has been dealt with. He took the burden so that you don't have to. Your regrets are nailed to the cross. We have no need to regret any longer. We are new people. So, when that regret sneaks up on you, shoot an email and thank Christ for taking that away from you!
Hey Daddy. Thank You for sending Christ to the cross so that my sins have already been paid for. Thank You for "hounding" me and not giving up on me when I, so often, gave up on myself. Thank You for my beautiful family and my wonderful wife. She is who I need, and You knew that. Thank You for her and for all that I have. Please help me to not live in regret any longer, but to be thankful for the price paid. I love you, Daddy. Amen.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
First Thought..."Normalcy"
If I was ever introduced to a "normal" life, I would think "How weird." I guess it's just human nature to desire the thought of normalcy, but to have an innate desire for something "not normal." If everyone had a normal life, life itself would be boring. Even though we fear change and differences, we crave them. It is because of differences that we are able to seek out persons like ourselves to be friends with. We have small groups of friends with whom we have similarities. If everyone was essentially the same, how would we develop close, authentic relationships? Would we even be able to be in small groups because we wouldn't have differences. With our finite minds, I do not think we could handle a life where everyone is essentially the same. It is because we are not the same that we are able to handle this earth and prosper. God knew what He was doing.
He created two separate types of people (emotional and rational) to create a world that would be able to grow and prosper. If everyone was emotional, the would would soon fall into chaos. Everyone would act completely out of emotions and enemies would be created daily and soon every country would hate every other country and there would be much hate within. The world would be complete chaos. If everyone was rational, there would be no spontaneity, no love. Everyone would make every decision based entirely upon how rational it was. Marriage would be for the sole purpose of reproducing so that the world didn't die out. The smallest countries would have to fend for themselves because there would be no benefit in allying with them (unless they had something of value).
There are so many other differences within humans that I do not have time to express them all. I feel that God created us to be different for the benefit of our survival. He created us to be able to be emotional so we could experience and express love. He created us with rational minds so that we would be able to make decisions that were not based on how we felt about them. We are able to feel His love and love Him in return. We are able to make choices so we can decide to answer His call.
Earlier in my life, when I decided that I wanted to follow Christ, it was because I was afraid of Hell. When I truly accepted His call, it was because I wanted to be with Him. When I make mistakes, my cry out to Him isn't because I fear an eternity of damnation, it's because I fear an eternity away from Him.
Hey Daddy. I want to thank You for this earth and the mass differences there are within it. Thank you that we are all different people. Thank you for the beauty of the outdoors all seasons and all weather. Thank you for sacrificing Your Son so that we would be able to be with You forever. I thank You for my beautiful wife and my two beautiful sons. I know that life is a blessing from You, Dad. Thank You for every moment I have here. Please help me to make the most of what You've given me and not take it all for granted. I'm sorry that I often get so wrapped up in my daily life that I don't stop and count my blessings. Thank you for my emotions and for my rational mind. I often try and disregard my emotions, yet I know they are from You. I love you, Daddy. Amen.