Thursday, August 6, 2015

Love is the answer.

Luke 6:37
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

Through many conversations I have discussed the concept of judging and people are quick to say they don't judge people. However, you spend enough time with someone and you will discover the type of people that they judge. I have the previous verse tattooed on my arm to be a constant reminder to me that I should be quick to forgive and that I shouldn't judge/condemn others.

In spending time with people, and listening to them, I found many things that people judge others on. Here is a list that I've compiled of the most-common:

  • How someone talks (less educated speech, southern drawl, grammatical errors, etc.)
  • How someone dresses (clothes are torn, clothes are stained/dirty, clothes are mismatched, colors are bright, clothes are old/out of date)
  • Sexual Orientation (whether he/she is gay, whether he/she is straight, whether he/she is bi)
  • Someone who is transsexual (this is very evident, currently, especially with Caitlyn Jenner)
  • Someone's ethnicity/race (white people judging black people, black people judging white people)
  • Religion (there has been a very large number of people judging the Christian religion lately, as a whole. I've seen, and heard, this first-hand as well as through others. Christianity is under fire right now. Judaism is also under fire from all sides.)
  • Someone's weight (people make fun of fat people, or thing negative things when they see someone who is obese. Some people even make fun of people who are thin. I've also heard people make fun of people who weight-life. Saying women shouldn't look like that, or men shouldn't be that big.)
  • Someone who is rich/poor (this one goes both ways...and can lead into coveting in one direction. We don't know circumstances, yet judgment still happens)
  • Women who strip for money (wasn't it Jesus that spent time with prostitutes and the outcasts?)

 This list could easily go on and on. I'm not saying that we should become afraid or paranoid. We need to become aware that we are human and can make intentional efforts to change the way we view people. We need to see them the way God sees them. See them how Christ would see them.

Does this mean we need to accept what the Bible says is wrong? No. Did Jesus say it was okay to be a prostitute? Did He say to continue living in your sin? No. He loved them. And he would tell them to .."go and sin no more." He would show love and kindness to those looked down upon in society.

One thing to remember. The one that you judge is a human. He/she is created in God's Image. He/she has feelings. He/she can feel pain, humiliation, sadness, sorrow, hate, joy, happiness, love. If you open your heart to understand where you may be passing judgment, make a change. When you feel yourself starting to judge someone, pray for them. If you can see that they are struggling with something, offer assistance. What better way to break a habit of judgment than to show the love of Jesus Christ?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What about Prayer?

As I look at the news and read many articles, I find myself often in an odd state. I'm saddened by the direction of this once-great country. I can trace ancestry arriving to the colonies in the 1600s. I know many can go back further. My family has been here a while.

The country is quickly going down the tubes, and what is being done about it? Nothing. Anyone who tries to prevent it seems to get shut down. Planned Parenthood is selling baby parts, and the attempt to defund them has been blocked? Seriously? And those who ally with them are saying that all this is is political attacks. Um...what? Seriously?

So, then, what can we do? Well, we can get out there and vocally be against the direction of the country. We can write letters and emails to try and show powers that be that we have a voice. Or we can do something far more powerful--pray.

Why is it that the "Christian" seems to usually go to prayer as a last resort? And why is it when you ask someone who confesses to be a Christian to pray about something, they act put out? One reason this country is going downhill fast is because it is full of "Christians" who just "want to feel good" about themselves. Those who don't want to offend, but want to get along with everyone.

I would say I "hate" to break it to you, but...I don't hate it. The Bible is offensive. To those living in the dark, the Bible is offensive. Even to those trying to walk in the Light, it's still offensive. We are called to live a different life. We are called to a life that will bring attention to us. Jesus offended everywhere He went. He was so offensive, they killed Him for it. we know...He didn't stay dead. Which is Life for us!
James 5:20
"remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins."

Back to prayer. Prayer should ALWAYS be our first course of action!!

James 5:16
"therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."

John 14:12-14
"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

We've heard this many times in Bible Studies, church sermons, etc. We get to ask Him anything and He will do it! But, there is a catch. He said it to His disciples in the same chapter:

John 14:23-24
Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me." 

If you do not follow His teaching, how do you expect Him to "give you whatever you want"? How can you know what His teaching is if you don't read His Word?

"Christians"! Wake up! The world is going to hell and we are doing nothing. Our eyes are drooping from being online and on our phones all day. We are too busy to do anything, or so we say. How are you too busy for prayer? Do you drive to work? Pray in the car. Do you walk to work? Pray as you're walking. Do you take public transportation? Pray in the subway/bus/taxi. There is ALWAYS time for prayer. 

There is nothing that you could be working on that is more important than talking to the Creator of the Universe. Nothing. (while on that, go to if you don't believe the SCIENCE of God creating the Universe)

I'm covering a multitude of areas. I'm sorry if I'm a bit scatter-brained. Please pray for this country. Pray for a revival. Pray for God's hand in our country. Pray for God to reveal Himself to us. Pray for God to take control of the country. Pray like you've never prayed about anything. We are going down fast. But there is nowhere that is too far for God to reach. darkness is having a blast. I think it's time to shut them up and remind them Who is in charge. And remind them of their eternal destination.

If you love God, you will follow His commands. You are empowered by the Holy Spirit if you have given your life to Christ. There is no force on, above, or below this earth that could ever be more powerful. If I die doing the work of the Lord, it's not a loss. God is amazing. Find Him. Pray with Him. Pray for His anointing. Pray for His power to be revealed to this country. Pray for revival. 

2 Corinthians 13:14
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Heart Broken

It's so easy to focus on all the molehills around us and consider them mountains. To see the trials and troubles that we face and consider them to be more than they are. To us, they may be huge, until we look into what is going on around us on a larger scale.

Recently, not too far from where we live, a boy was reported missing. There was a massive search for this toddler. Apparently,  he had been known to wander on his own. The step-mother even claimed to have stuff stolen from her house to make it seem that someone broke in and took him.

His body was found in the laundry room. In a trash bag. Under clothing. His body showed bruising and even damage to his liver and kidney. Reading through the report on all that happened to this little boy, it breaks my heart. It broke my heart. There had been previous accounts of child neglect and abuse in this case. They were filed and documented, but nothing happened. This little boy was abused and nothing happened. That nothing led to his death. He was killed because no one did anything, even when the abuse was reported and documented as abuse. A little boy. Younger than my own two boys.

There is evil in this world and it is evident. This isn't the only little boy that is being beaten by people who are supposed to protect him. There are little girls and boys being beaten by people who are supposed to protect them. There are little girls and boys having people do horrid things.

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed by what's going on in the world. It's like, I wish I could save all the innocence from what is happening.

Father, I pray for those who are struggling. I pray for the children. I pray you will go to them and give them comfort and peace. I pray for those who are already with you. I pray that they are comforted and loved. I know they are. I thank you for this earth. I thank you for my time on it. Please use me to help others. I pray your will is done.