Throughout my life thus far, I have traveled all over the US and the world. One thing that I have discovered is that there tend to be three main types of people (as always, there are variations and those who don't fall in these categories). There are those who are intelligent; those who think they are intelligent; and those who know they are not intelligent.
Within those three categories, I get along best with the first and third. A few years ago, I worked with a woman who would be considered by the world to be unintelligent. She knew she didn't have what the world considers to be intelligence and was okay with it. When she came across phrases or words that she wasn't sure what they meant, she would ask. The words and phrases were usually ministry based (I was going to seminary), so I usually knew the answers.
The second category tends to drive me crazy. When I am in a setting where I hear, constantly, about how someone "has brains," yet constantly misuses simple grammar, it tends to bring question about said "brains." I am not saying that I'm the smartest person in the world, not even close, but I don't go around announcing how brilliant I am because I have a degree and half of a masters (which I will finish when I get back from training). :) Even though I may be proud of the fact that I have worked toward my education, it's not something I'm going to use as a claim for my intelligence (or "brains").
I tend to wonder if people in this category are the ones that I see broadcasting their ignorance. When you use hard curse words to add "color" to your sentences, it proves the point that you aren't that bright. The English language has so many options of words that those filler words broadcast that you aren't a bright individual. Don't get me wrong, I understand when someone is angry those words may come out and be used in that setting. It happens. But when those words are used once a sentence (or more), it's showing how unintelligent you really are.
What's even more tragic, is people are using social media to broadcast their lack of intelligence. I can't even go through the news feed on Facebook without running across someone using extreme profanity, as well as horrific spelling errors.
Are we, as a nation, dumbing down our society? What use is it to make everyone feel good about themselves? In the real world, outside the US, someone wins and someone loses. There's no trophy for losing. There are no pats on the back for trying. I get so frustrated that we decide that people need to get trophies for merely participating in an event. Really? When I was a kid, you got a trophy if you were within the top three positions--First, Second or Third.
As I move forward with my life, if I am given a trophy, or award, for merely participating and not being in the top three, I will immediately give it back, or burn it or throw it away.