Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Life.

I want to live to die. Not too long ago, I had a revelation in regards to life. No matter what we do, how many facelifts, botox, makeup, age-defying stuff, working out, eating right, etc., we're gonna die. Death is inevitable. What am I doing with my time on earth? If I measure my actions to eternity and what it will mean then, what really matters?

It's so easy to get caught up in the daily routines. Work, family, children, school, sports, music, acting, etc. The moment when I am confronted to sin, tempted, my action then is what matters. God gives me the power to walk away, so what do I do when I'm tempted? If I take the moment to think of eternal consequence (good or bad), I think that it would be easier to walk away. Considering that we aren't tempted with things that are of no interest to us, it's never truly easy to just walk away. Sometimes it's easy to just entertain the idea for a moment, but you need to run.

The moments in life when it's been the hardest for me is when I decide that I won't act on the temptation, I'll just think about the "what ifs" and then I won't be sinning. How long can one play with fire before getting burned. But if you grab water and douse that flame and walk away you won't get burned. The power of Christ can put out any flame the adversary brings to you.

There was a time in my life when my wife and I were having a rough time in our marriage. When I was at work, I would constantly be bombarded with things that we said in arguments and bringing up arguments that had never happened. I would often entertain these thoughts and when I saw her, I would be angry from all these events (I'd say that at least half of them were from arguments that never occurred, other than in my mind). This would cause more friction and we'd be worse off than we were before.

There came a point when I was sick of this and needed to get away from it. I would say out loud, if I was working by myself, "Lord Jesus take captive my thoughts," whenever these thoughts would bombard me. After having to do this nearly incessantly for a few days, they weakened. I didn't crumble to those thoughts like I had before. The power of Christ's name can bring the enemy to his knees.

The adversary would then bring up more temptations and whatnot, but if I continued to pray to Christ for help and pray daily, He would give the power to overcome. In His Name is power. God spoke the Universe into existence. There really is more power in the Word and in verbal language than we tend to give credit for.

Advise my dad would often give me is this: If you are doing the right thing, you will be under attack. If you aren't a challenge to the adversary, why would he waste time attacking you. Not saying that the luke-warm have perfect lives, they are merely easy targets. The real strength will be used attacking the righteous. If Christ is in our lives, we have more strength than we tend to believe. We can change the world if we truly wanted to.

I know my calling and I'm moving toward it. I'm not going to allow myself to be turned to the left or right away from what God wants me to do.

Lord Jesus, I pray that You will give me the strength to not stray from Your direction in my life. Please fill me with Your Presence and guide my thoughts and words throughout today. Thank You for Your sacrifice. Please help me to live for eternity. I pray for Your continued direction and guidance. I love You, Lord.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Being "Cool"

Ever notice how often people attempt throughout their lives to be "cool." In grade school it's...um...bringing your own lunch, or having certain friends...or perhaps wearing the best clothing. It's been a long time since I've been that young, so it's hard to remember.

In middle school, we start heading towards dating and self-discovery. So, we want to look good and we want to be popular. This really brings one into high school...in high school, these continue. To be cool, you have to have the perfect body, have money, have friends, go to the best parties, being in the right circle of friends.

In college, it's more about friends and dressing right, really. I mean, the need for the perfect body may continue or begin. This one also brings the control aspect. You control your life. For some people, the perfect grades and whatnot. If one didn't party in high school, there is a great chance they'd party in college. Some people even smoke to be cool. You go clubbing, dancing, whatever you can to be "cool."

In my life, my effort was often trying to be perfectly dressed with the perfect body and the perfect friends. Moving as much as we did, I had to look for the right people to be my friends. I would, in high school, often date my way into the right circles. In college, it was still about keeping myself in shape and being "different." This really looked like whatever I wanted it to at different times. I was at the right parties and the right events. Making appearances as often as possible, or necessary.

I continued to do my best to look great and dress right for my girlfriend and wife. Then the coolness I had continued until June 30th, 2009. Although my lack of coolness may not be declared for quite a few years, it came to my realization that I can no longer be cool once I'm a parent. My journey of coolness has ended. I now dress my kids first, worrying about my own clothing little or none. I wear stuff now that I wouldn't be caught dead in my younger years...and it doesn't bother me. It just hits me every so often that I'm not "cool" anymore. I don't strive for it, I don't try to be. I now will dress like a parent, not like a single or married man.

This isn't griping about being a parent, I love it. It's just the realization that with aging comes changes and this happens to be one of them. I'm not cool anymore, but I'm okay with that. :) I'm fine with my lack of coolness. It's just weird to think about. :)